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The next episode of DC Universe Online is all about Wonder Woman

Jun-28-2020 PST

The multiverse seems broken, and the only one strong enough to heal her is a great woman. DC Universe Online introduces the next episode in Wonderverse. Episode 38 starting in August is all about Wonder Woman.

In Wonderverse, the well wall appears to have cracked and led to the collapse of multiple universes. Amazon discovered that Themesera was a 3D patch merging different universes. Now that the field of the gods has been destroyed, all gods, such as the Greek and the new gods, are looking for fragments of the spring wall to regain their strength.

To save the multiple universes, the Wonder Woman has learned from our world that the only way to fix the Source Wall is to collect those parts. With the gods against her, it is clear that Wonder Woman needs all the help she can get. The good news is that players are more than willing to lend a hand. Even the best news, the cool women of the collapsed universes seem to help.

In a post, DCUO Creative Director SJ Mueller said his favorite part of the upcoming episode is the opportunity to develop the Wonderverse concept. He continued, "Nothing like this has happened in DC storyboards before and they are very appropriate in DCUO." Muller added that DC also has the Batman and Lex Luther Council, so "why isn't Wonder Woman?"

What can players expect from this new and upcoming episode? The first is that Wonderverse will be a large-scale episode that comes with releases of an unknown content level available to all players, albeit only for a limited time. Players must meet new and returning opponents, such as the Greek gods, to the new gods along the way.

Other features of DCUO Wonderverse include:

    ● The episode will feature new and returning adversaries, from the Greek Gods (including Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon) to the New Gods (including Grail, Darkseid, and Orion) and beyond.

    ● The episode will also feature Wonder Women from five different universes.

    ● The storyline will include adventures set in familiar and remote locales, including a massive open-world, universe-merging Themyscira.

    ● The episode will launch new player rewards, including new gear, styles, artifacts, base items, feats and DC Universe Online Cash.